Waste Pickup Update

While the thaw is officially on, we still have not experienced enough thaw of the packed ice throughout our Monday residential service areas to resume service this afternoon as we had hoped.  We expect that continued overnight thawing will permit us to resume routes tomorrow morning after 8 a.m.  We ask that customers place their carts out to be collected and leave them out until they are serviced.

Our drivers will work on Monday routes tomorrow (Wednesday) and move into Tuesday routes if time permits.  They will then work on Tuesday routes on Thursday and move into Wednesday routes as time permits.  This strategy will continue through the end of the day Saturday, with any Friday customers that are not collected on Saturday being picked up next Monday.  We ask for your continued patience as we work to catch up on routes, and that customers hold their calls for missed service until next week.

We will continue to provide you with daily status updates on our progress, and we appreciate your continued patience as we navigate this unprecedented challenge.

Kyle Petropoulos
Assistant District Manager
Waste Connections 

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